Holding space for others to heal, grow and connect since 2016


The first spark of inspiration to begin supporting others came to me in January 2015. I was in the Peruvian Amazon, and in the midst of a personal healing journey that put the Rheumatoid Arthritis I had been suffering from into full remission, having been diagnosed almost half a decade earlier.

It had been a long journey to the jungle, but an even longer journey to heal my body. I couldn’t have got that far without deepening the connection to my intuition; discovering who I really am with support of incredible people along the way.

My health journey had shaped me into the kind of person who was capable of helping others too, and I felt a meaningful responsibility to follow in the footsteps of those who had supported me. I set the intention to do so, although I had no idea where the ongoing journey would take me.

Over a year of studying and hard work onward from setting my intention to help others, I launched Causeway Living, a health-coaching website in September 2016.

It was a humble beginning, facilitating simple 1-to-1 health coaching sessions online. I drew heavily upon my own personal experience, and the Holistic Lifestyle Coaching certification accredited by the Chek Academy that I had studied for in 2015. I also created an automated online wellness program that launched in January 2017.

Most of my work at this time was focused on supporting others to create simple, positive habits that helped improve health and wellbeing. I was also using the story of my personal health transformation as a source of inspiration at public speaking events.


By 2017, Causeway Living had grown and evolved. I certified as a Wim Hof Method instructor, and began facilitating my own events, talks, workshops, and retreat weekends. I spoke at seminars in California, the Netherlands, and lectured at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht.

In the same year, I established a community of like-minded locals who gathered regularly to run the coast and dip into the cold Irish Sea. Team Dash & Splash gathered for 129 consecutive weekly events until the lockdowns of 2020, but the Facebook group remains active to this day.

The years that followed were incredible, but not always easy. I worked hard to develop Causeway Living while continuing my own education. I trained with world renowned experts in different therapeutic & meditative practices, natural movement and fitness training, and integrated all that I learned into what I offered, but it took until 2022 for my work to step into itself fully.

I completed Kasper van der Meulen’s Breathwork Masterclass Level 3 certification in 2022, and the training helped me reconnect with the intention I set in 2015. I felt that my focus had been guided back towards supporting people on a 1-to-1 basis, but this time on a much deeper level, online & in-person.

The unique, multi-disciplinary 1-to-1 work that I now facilitate, was only made possible by the long and meandering journey of exploration into health, wellbeing, fitness, spirituality, psychology and physiology. Using this experience, I created a framework that brings an understanding of the nervous system, emotional experience, and different of patterns behaviour all into alignment, to support healing and growth.

I launched Time Space Attention in April 2023 to give this unique work its own platform. To learn more about the methodology, and apply to begin 1-to-1 work, tap the button below:


Whether you are interested in working online or in person, tap the button below to learn more and book a free consultation call.