Have you ever felt unable to explain why you act in the way that you do? Perhaps you have patterns of behaviour that repeat over and over again, leaving you to face the same old challenges over and over too. What if you could understand why, and change it?

The autonomic nervous system in the body is inextricably linked with emotional states you perceive in the mind. If a part of the system is dysregulated through traumatic experience, unconscious patterns of behaviour are formed to avoid associated ‘unsafe’ emotions.

Assessments are based on a deep understanding of how specific breathing patterns are intimately connected to different ‘zones’ of the nervous system, and the associated emotions. Breathwork and other methodologies are used to uncover any dysregulation.

A safe environment is created to breathe into dysregulated ‘zones’, allowing suppressed emotions come to the surface where they may be processed, releasing old behavioural patterns of suppression. Read more about the specific methodologies used by tapping below:

  • Sessions begin by working with the breath and body to alter the state of the nervous system. This opens the possibility of accessing emotions that may otherwise be impossible to consciously feel.

    Bypassing ‘protective’ parts of the psyche will only ever be done in a safe environment with support from a knowledgable and skilled facilitator, so that work may take place with vulnerable hidden parts.

  • Somatic tracking is a simple but profound process; consciously offering the time, space and attention to physical sensations in the body that otherwise go unnoticed by distracted minds, in busy lives.

    When physical sensations are ignored, they may increase in intensity until becoming unavoidable as pain. Paying attention to sensation can remarkably alter how it feels, and even unlock memories connected with similar, familiar sensations.

  • If suppressed, unconscious parts of the psyche come to the surface through breathing and the body, they are met with complete acceptance. We consciously explore the roots of these ‘parts’ in compassionate dialogue, without any analysis.

    Becoming aware of unconscious parts (and the patterns of behaviour associated with them) creates an opportunity for conscious change, instead of repeating the past over and over again.

  • Different tones, frequencies and melodies are used to support regulation of the nervous system, in a similar to using a ‘workout playlist’ for when you want to get active, or a lullaby to help a baby sleep.

    A range of instruments including a RAV Vast drum, personally handmade goat skin drum, meteorite shaker among others may be used during session.

  • Active Visualisation is a similar practice to guided meditation, but uses mental imagery to connect with therapeutic processes in the body as well.

    This can be an important part of the integration process, taking experiences from each session and embodying them to gain the most therapeutic value possible.

  • Integration is the most important part of any session. An experience in session means little if creates no positive impact on your daily life.

    Coaching, support and guidance is offered to help integrate valuable insights you gain in session, and use these to feel practical, ongoing benefits.

Sessions can take place online or in-person, lasting 90mins - 2hrs. In preparation, an info package will be sent to allow simple self-assessment on emotional state beforehand. An in-depth written assessment and advice on integration will be sent within 24hrs of the session.

1-to-1 Assessment (online)

N.B. Only available for application following a consultation. Click here to book your free call.

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1-to-1 Assessment (in-person)

N.B. Only available for application following a consultation. Click here to book your free call.

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