Amy H. (Sept. ‘22)

Amy completed an impactful container of 1-to-1 work in-person near Belfast, N.Ireland, and has shares the experience in her own words:

I began working with Scott last summer. I initially attended a group workshop before a series of one-to-one breathwork and emotional release sessions. These sessions were integral to growth, expansion and release that needed to happen for me on a personal level. This work came at a time when I was in quite a broken place, after a prolonged period of trauma that left me feeling depleted and honestly unable to practice the thing I knew I loved deeply and was meant to be doing - homeopathy.

Through three one-to-one sessions, Scott provided individualized support and guidance through breathwork that changed things for me in a profound way. The supported exploration and discussion around the breathwork and emotional release work was also integral to the process. Each person will experience this work in their own individual way, but for me it helped me see myself as I am - as who I really am, and not what happened to me. That was vital. It was an intense but beautiful experience.

A few weeks in from the sessions, I was feeling lighter and more able to return to the work I loved. I felt able to go to depths with my own homeopath in a way I hadn’t before, which allowed that work to deepen too. Friendships and other relationships also began to feel different. I felt more like me again. Within a few months, I had set up my brand-new clinic space in Comber and soon had a busy practice. Just over 6 months later, I was in Tanzania on an amazing 2-week internship with Homeopathy for Health in Africa - doing exactly what I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do.

Committing to do the work with Scott changed the course of my life. For me, it was one of the best investments I’ve made. It has helped support me as a wife, mother, friend and homeopath.

- Amy H.

Find out more about the incredible Homeopathic work that Amy is facilitating on


Jonny K. (Oct. ‘22)


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