Mel D. (May 21’)

Mel completed a life-changing, 6 month container of 1-to-1 work online from the Republic of Ireland, and shares about it in her own words:

Scott is a a special one, I think like anyone who has been on their own healing journey he brings a very unique kind of support to others on a similar path. Through guided breathwork and focused somatic work, Scott helped me get inside my body in way I hadn't experienced before then.

One of my big takeaways from our work together was learning to locate an overwhelming emotion in my body and sit with it, which has really helped me from spiraling into an emotional heap, and as a result I'm now better at processing without the emotional overwhelm. 

This work helped me learn to trust myself again where previously I'd lost my connection to my gut/intuition. The ability to tap into where in the body I'm feeling emotions is really grounding and brings me out of my head which is very powerful.

I know I had a lot of resistance throughout our work and I want to share with anyone considering working with Scott not to let resistance stop you - even when it may feel like you're not making progress, stuff is shifting! It may just take some time for that realisation to happen. My life literally did a 180 degree turn in the months following our work together and it’s still unfolding two years in.

Even just commiting to the work starts things moving, it's magical, so if you're still wondering should you take the plunge I highly recommend giving yourself the gift of this supported time to grow, I don't believe you will regret it!!

- Mel D.


Conor Mc. (May ‘23)