Conor Mc. (May ‘23)

Conor recently completed a container of 1-to-1 work online from Greece, and has generously chosen to share the experience in his own words:

For most of my life I've felt terror. Something always lurking, as if something was going to get me. I chose to live with that feeling, but never thought I could tap into the sensations (or memory) of it. Scott helped me to feel the sensations inside of my body, without labelling or judging what the feeling was or creating a story around it (which perpetuates the fear and worry), simply, noticing when a feeling arrived, and to practice sitting with it. 

It was a transformative experience. Slowly slowly I realised I didn't have to be burdened with the feelings in my body, or deny them. I could embrace them, and feel them, and that goes for the feeling of joy too. I have experienced much joy in life but felt too afraid to fully lean in and accept it, as the story I told myself, was that it was too silly to live out in the 'real world' such joy - so I suppressed it, just like I tried to suppress the sensations connected with fear. 

Through Scott's sessions and guidance, I got to feel, I got to breathe deep, and I got to move. I gained the awareness that I didn't have to be stuck in patterns and loops. I learnt that I could navigate through the sensations, and accept them as a part of myself. I learnt to listen to my body, and move how my body wants to move, without judgement if it is right or wrong.

This has helped me to identify what is happening when a feeling comes up in my everyday life, and now I'm better equipped to go through the experiences as opposed to running from them, or distracting myself until they disappeared (momentarily). As Scott says, the best way is through, and I believe that is true.

I am beyond grateful for Scott's coaching, guidance, friendship, feedback and love. It has been a tremendous experience, and I can feel the power that can be delivered through such a great service. Thank you Scott.

- Conor Mc.


Mel D. (May 21’)


Tiernan Mc. (Nov. ‘22)